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About Wendy

Wendy Murray is an award-winning journalist, author and professional editor. She grew up in Chagrin Falls, Ohio and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio (1980), majoring in religion and graduating magna cum laude. She also received membership in Hiram’s Phi Beta Kappa society. She completed a master’s degree in theological studies (New Testament) at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, S. Hamilton, Massachusetts, graduating magna cum laude in 1985.


She lived in Honduras, Central America for four years where she served as regional correspondent for Time magazine. She worked as associate editor and Senoir Writer at Christianity Today magazine for 10 years. Her work has taken her all over the world and her feature essays have won awards consistently. She has published extensively in other journals, including, Publishers Weekly, Books & Culture, The Christian Century, and She blogs regularly at She was cited in Brill’s Content as being numbered among the nation’s leading religion reporters. She has been quoted or cited in all major national and international print news venues including The Boston Globe, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, Newsweek and Time magazine.


She served as Writer-in-Residence and adjunct professor of Communication Arts at Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts; has taught in their international studies program in Orvieto, Italy; and led an International Journalism Seminar in Assisi, Italy. 


She has written ten nonfiction books and one novel. She blogs regularly, edits professionally, and enjoys gardening. 

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